Mothering and Feminism

Developing a Feminist Motherline: Reflections on a Decade of Feminist Parenting
by Fiona Joy Green

Motherhood to Mothering and Beyond: Maternity in Recent Feminist Thought
by Emily Jeremiah

Talkin’ Bout a Revolution: Building a Mothers’ Movement in the Third Wave
by Heather Hewett

The Politics of the Mothers’ Movement in the United States: Possibilities and Pitfalls
by Patrice DiQuinzio

Mothering Under Duress: Examining the Inclusiveness of Feminist Mothering Theory
by Amy Middleton

Bridging Attachment Theory and Attachment Parenting with Feminist Methods of Inquiry
by Suzanne M. Cox

Conceiving Intensive Mothering
by D. Lynn O’Brien Hallstein

Reading Adrienne Rich’s Of Woman Born as a Queer Feminist Daughter
by Susan Driver

Motherhood and Feminism: Lessons from the Titanic
by Carla J. McDonough

The Dilemmas of Feminist Activism in Law
by Lorna Turnbull

Images and Echoes in Matroreform: A Cultural Feminist Perspective
by Gina Wong-Wylie

Explaining the World: Philosophical Reflections on Feminism and Mothering
by Maureen Linker

"Iraq is a Small Purple Planet:" Feminist Mothering During Wartime
by Pamela Aronson

"She Could Be Anything She Wants to Be": Mothers and Daughters and Feminist Identity
by Leslie Wilson, Sue Wilson, Ann Duffy, and Nancy Mandell

My Son, the Feminist, A First Rate Mom
by Marguerite Guzman Bouvard

Alicia Ostriker’s Propaganda for Motherhood
by Laura Major

Mommy Memoirs: Feminism, Gender and Motherhood in Popular Literature
by Ivana Brown

White Birth Mothers of Black/White Biracial Children: Addressing Racialized Discourses in Feminist and Multicultural Literature
by Channa Verbian

Motherhood and Mothering as Sites of Difference in Feminist Theory and Practice in Barbara Kingsolver’s Pigs in Heaven
by Silvia Schultermandl

Creating a Life or Opting Out: Antifeminism and the Popular Media
by A. Joan Saab

The Enterprising Parent: A Critical Examination of Parenting, Consumption and Identity
by Leanne Ralya Eleff and Angela Trethewey

"The One True Thing in My Life": Mother-Son Relations in the Art and Life of Emily Coleman
by Elizabeth Podnieks

Performing the Good Mother: Maternal Identity, Professional Persona and Theatre Practice
by Corinne Rusch-Drutz

Maternal Commitments to the Nation: Maternalist Groups at Work in Quebec: 1945-1960
by Cheryl Gosselin

Exploring Matrices of Mothering and Feminisms: Life History Methodology as a Venue for Understanding the Complexities of Mothering Discourses for Lesbian Health Advocates
by Judith A. MacDonnell

A 21st Century Feminist Agenda for Valuing Care-Work
by Marty Grace

Between the Baby and the Bathwater: Some thoughts on a Mother-Centred Theory and Practice of Feminist Mothering
by Andrea O’Reilly

FOLIO: Ann Fisher-Wirth
Editor’s Notes
by Rishma Dunlop

  • Price: $5.00

    Book Volume #: 8.1 & 8.2

    Page Count: 416

    Publication Date: September 2006

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