Date : October 18-20, 2002

Location : Vari Hall, York University, Toronto, Canada

Friday October 18

11:00am-1:00pm Registration

12:00 – 1:00pm Special Session

Robbie Pfeufer Kahn (University of Vermont) “The Place of Birth in America”

1:00-3:00pm Session A

A1 MOTHERING AND WORK Joanne Detore-Nakamura (Embry_Riddle Aeronautical University) and Kim Landon (Syracuse University) “‘She Works Hard for the Money:’ A Snapshot of Working-class Working Mothers throughout the Twentieth Century” Gudrun Grabher (University of Innsbruck, Austria) “Working Mother: A Comparative Analysis of Marisol’s Art Piece ‘Working Woman” and Tillie Olsen’s Short Story ‘I Stand Here Ironing’”

A2 CHILD WELFARE AND SERVICES Judy MacDonnell (OISE/University of Toronto) “Childbearing Services for Lesbian Mothers” Shelley Keirstead (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University) “Court Connected Parent Education: the Differential Impact on Mothers and Fathers” Gayle Ployer, Marilyn Callahan, Deborah Rutman, Leslie Brown, Pat MacKenzie, and Barb Whittington (University of Victoria) “Grandmothers Raising Their Grandchildren: A critique of kin care policies in British Columbia”

3:00-3:15pm Break

3:15-5:15pm Session B

B1 MOTHERING CHALLENGES Mary Stewart (Shippensburg University) “Mothering a Memoryless Child” Brigitte Bechtold (Central Michigan University) “Addressing the Plight of Mothers ‘Doing Time’” Anita Mallinger (Pittsburg Action Against Rape) ” Mothering a Sexually Abused Child: Legal, Political and Psychological Issues” Lori Ross (University of Toronto) “Mood Changes During Pregnancy and Postpartum: Biological Disease or Social Problem?”

B2 BREASTFEEDING Nicole Banton (Georgia State University, U.S.A.) “Answering the Breastfeeding Question: A Quantitative Analysis of Infant Feeding Choice Among African-American Mothers” Joanna Davis (University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.A.) “The Public Breast: Breastfeeding in Public as a Social Problem” Kandee Kosior (University of Toronto) “Breastfeeding and the Law”

B3 MOTHERING AS WORK: PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES FOR STAY-HOME MOMS AND UNPAID MOTHERWORK Victoria Dale Northcott (OISE/University of Toronto) “At-Home-Mothering, At-Home-Schooling, At-Home-Learning” Tracey L. Hurd (Brandeis University) “At home, mothering children: That’s work?” Karen Krug (Brock University) “Conflicting Values: An Ethical Analysis of Social Policy Affecting Motherhood”

5:15-7:00pm Dinner Break

7:00-9:00pm Keynote Panel 1 – ABORIGINAL MOTHERS, LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES ACROSS A GENERATION with Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, Aboriginal Rights Activist, her mother – Rita Corbiere, Aboriginal Elder, and her daughter – Memee Lavell, Queen’s University

9:00-11:00pm Reception

Saturday October 19

8:30-9:00am Coffee and Muffins

9:00-10:30am Keynote Panel 2

CRIMINALIZING MOTHERS: BLAME AND RESISTANCE Molly Ladd- Taylor (York University) “Mother-Worship/Mother-Blame: Politics and Welfare in an Uncertain Age” Lynn M. Paltrow (Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women, USA) “Prejudice and Punishment: Judging Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs”

10:30-10:45am Break

10:45-12:15pm Session C

C1 MOTHERING UNDER DURESS: AN EXAMINATION OF CANADIAN MEDIA AND POLICY DISCOURSE ON MOTHERING AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE, WOMAN ABUSE AND MENTAL ILLNESS – A panel presentation by Lorraine Greaves, Colleen Varcoe and Lori Irwin of the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Children and Women’s Health Centre of British Columbia

C2 PREGNANCY AND WORK Ruth Nemzoff (Brandies Women’s Studies Resource Center) “Making Babies and Making Laws” Eileen Boris (University of California, Santa Barbara) “Bodily Integrity on the Job: The Problem of the Pregnant Worker in the United States, 1949 to 1990” Saranna Thornton (Hampden-Sydney College) “Pregnancy Discrimination in the Academy”

C3 MOTHERING AND PUBLIC POLICY ‘DOWN UNDER’ – PERSPECTIVES FROM AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND Maryanne Dever (Monash University, Australia) “Populate or Perish: Motherhood, Fertility Decline and Policy Debate in Australia) JaneMaree Maher (Monash University, Australia) “How Women View Policy in Practice: Fertility Decision-Making, Maternity Leave and Family Friendly Policy in the Australian Context” Lesley Patterson (Massey University, New Zealand) “Making Up Mums: Changing Discourses of Single Motherhood in New Zealand 1975-1995”

12:15-1:15pm Lunch

1:15-2:45pm Keynote Panel 3

MOTHERING ON THE MARGINS Joanna Radbord (Epstein Cole LLP, Toronto) “(M)Others and the Law” Anne Waters (State University of New York) “Mothering for Seven Generations: American Indian Mothers and Cultural Repression in the U.S.A.”

2:45-3:00pm Break

3:00-5:00pm Session D

D1 INTERNATIONAL ISSUES IN PUBLIC POLICY, LAW AND MOTHERING Caroline Wiedmer (Collegium Helveticum, Switzerland) and Sarah B. Hardy (Hampden-Sydney College, U.S.A.) “Motherhood and Law: A Comparative Reading of Notions of Motherhood and Abortion in the United States and Germany” Terri Susan Fine (University of Central Florida) “The Family and Medical Leave Law of 1993: Mothering as Public Policy” Nandini Bhattacharya (Valparaiso University) “Through Mothers’ Eyes: South Asian Diaspora Women and Nation” Angeles Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico) “Motherhood experiences in Mexico City at the end of the 20th Century”

D2 SINGLE PARENTING Krista Robson (Queen’s University) “Judicial Decision-Making and the Realities of Single Parenting For Women: A Critical Analysis of the Federal Child Support Guidelines” Anu Hirsiaho (University of Tampere, Finland) “Mommy Can’t Afford a Job: Single Mothers and Gendered Motivation Traps in Contemporary Scandinavia” Nancy Salzer (Brandeis University) “The Mother Tapes: A Work in Progress”

D3 MARGINALIZED MOTHERS: REGULATION AND BLAME Saara Greene (Edinburgh University, Scotland) “Young Mothers: Experiences of Social Exclusion in a British Context” Norma Buydens (University of Saskatchewan) “Toxic Moms and Sexually Exploited Girls”

5:30-8:00pm Dinner

Sunday October 20

9:30-10:00am Coffee and Muffins

10:00-11:30am Session E

E1 ADOPTION: POLICY AND EXPERIENCE Sandra Jarvie (Canadian Council of Birth Mothers) “Socially Denied Motherhood: Law, Politics and Public Policy and their Influence on a Mother’s Surrender to Adoption” Katherine Sieger (Mount Mary College) “Birthmothers” Debbie Rolfe (St. Joseph’s Health Centre) “I Have a Dream”

E2 MOTHERWORK Rose Barg (Writer, Researcher, Poet) “Motherwork: For all it’s worth!” Karen MacLean (Denmark) “The Hobbification of Mothering: Mothering at the Nexus of Socialism, Capitalism and the Protestant Work Ethic”

E3 MOTHERING AND DISABILITY/ILLNESS Anna Kingston (University College Cork, Ireland) “Mothering Special Needs: An ethnographic study of mothers with children with learning disabilities in Ireland” Elspeth Ross (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Association of Ottawa) “Mothering FAS” Corey La Berge (University of Victoria) “Mothering with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects” Kimberly McKennitt and Enza Ronaldi (Parenting with a Disability Network, Centre for Independent Living in Toronto) “Nurturing Assistance Model/Guide”

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-1:15pm Session F

F1 CHILDBIRTH CHOICES Nane Jordan (New College of California in San Fransisco) “Women Giving Birth in Canada: An Ecofeminist Perspective” Pamela McKenzie (University of Western Ontario) “Positioning and Information Seeking in Midwife-Client Relationships) Jacquelyn Burkell (University of Western Ontario) “What Constitutes a Decision? Factors Influencing Choices and Choice in Midwifery Care”

F2 POLICY IMPLICATIONS OF NEW REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Juliet Guichon (University of Calgary) “‘Surrogate’ Motherhood: Conflicting Conceptions of Personhood” Christine Stolba (Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington) “The Abolition of Motherhood?” Erica Souza (State University of Campinas, Brazil) “E_moms: the Cyborg Maternity Age” Michelle McGowan (University of Washington) and Eva Neitzert (University of Auckland, New Zealand) “Post_Fordism and Reproductive “Choices” in the U.S.”

F3 CHILD CUSTODY ISSUES Carolyn J. Rowe (Carleton University) “Outside the Law or Legal Outsiders? Lesbian Identity, Motherhood and Child Custody in Canada” Susan B. Boyd (University of British Columbia) “Backlash Against Motherhood in Child Custody Law: Appropriating the Discourse of Oppression” Jacqueline Goodman (State University of New York) “Mothers who Lose Custody” Debra Sutherland (University of British Columbia) “Letters to my Daughters: Lesbian Mothering and Custody Loss”

1:15-2:15pm Lunch

2:15-4:00pm Keynote Panel 4

THE POLICY POSSIBILITIES Lorna Turnbull (University of Manitoba) “Mothers in Law” Diana Ginn (Dalhousie Law School) “Using the Law for Social Change: Real Possibility or False Hope?” Carolyn Bennett (MP, Liberal Party) “Toronto Mothers in Politics”


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