Motherhood Activism, Advocacy, Agency

This special issue on “Motherhood Activism, Advocacy, Agency” features nineteen articles, five book reviews, and a special poetry folio featuring the work of Jane McKie. Articles include: •Personal agency as maternal activism •The controversy of breastfeeding and an artist’s response •Indigenous theoretical perspectives on healing from family violence •Women, social capital and the politics of care •Unknown and unstated paternity in the Indian Act •Reinserting choice as a right for at-risk adolescent mothers •An activist educator-mother’s arguments against standardized testing •Resistance and reclamation through storytelling and telling stories •Mothers joining together in sisterhood and striking for peace •Mothers resistance to state control over sexuality and reproduction •and many more!

  • Price: $10.00

    Journal Volume #: 3.2

    Page Count: 336

    Publication Date: Fall/Winter 2012

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